When Should You Wear Your Jewelry?

January 21, 2020

When Should You Wear Your Jewelry?- Creative Jewelry by Marcia

There are times when you should take your jewelry off. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. Your jewelry can last you a life time if you follow these guidelines and if you take care of it properly. Your jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you take off. How many of you follow this rule? If not, you may want to rethink that after reading this blog.



You don't want to wear your jewelry when you're putting on lotion, doing your makeup or styling your hair. Lotion, perfume and hair spray could end up on your jewelry and harm it. You also don't want to put your jewelry before you get dressed. If you're trying to put on a tight-fitting top or turtleneck it could knock off an earring or get caught on the chain of your necklace. Remember to put your jewelry on last, as it is the finishing touch to your outfit.

Have you ever put  your jewelry on or taken it off over the sink? If so, it could have a disastrous ending. If you drop it, it could fall down the drain. Now it's gone, or you or someone else will be taking the pipes apart to try to find it. Also, you shouldn't be storing your jewelry in the bathroom. You can keep your jewelry in your bedroom or closet, that way it is right there for you to put on after you're completely dressed. After you finish this blog, check out my blog on "How To Store Your Jewelry".

You shouldn't be wearing your jewelry to bed. When you get ready for bed your jewelry should be the first thing you take off. If you sleep in your jewelry, your pieces can get kinks and stretched depending on how active you are in your sleep. Put your jewelry away where it belongs and let it rest while you rest.



If you enjoy doing sports, running, yoga, exercise, etc. you shouldn't wear jewelry for those activities. When we do these types of activities we tend to "glisten". This isn't good for your jewelry. Also, depending on the activity and the amount of physical contact, your jewelry could get broken. Leave all your jewelry at home when you are exercising or playing a sport.


Heading to the beach or pool? Leave your jewelry at home. You don't know what the chlorine or other chemicals in the pool will do to your jewelry. When you're at the beach, the sand can be harsh on your jewelry. To protect your jewelry and tan lines, leave it at home when you're going to the pool or beach. 

I know we all want to look nice when we are shopping, but I would advise that you leave your jewelry at home when you're shopping for clothes. Jewelry can get tangled or knocked off when trying on clothes. If you still want to wear it, take extra care when trying on clothes. Remember to check each time you get dressed that you still have all your jewelry before leaving the dressing room. 


The perfect time to wear jewelry is when you're going out socially, for work, to church, running errands or even grocery shopping. Your jewelry will give your outfit the final touch for any of these occasions. I never feel like I am fully dressed unless I have on my jewelry.

Your jewelry should always be the last thing you put on
and the first thing you take off.

Now that you know when to wear your jewelry, you can shop for more.

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